Moley Talhaoui: No Native Narrative, a LEYered perspective

July 9 - August 2, 2020


No Native Narrative, a LEYered perspective, is an exhibition coincidentally timed to open as the artist has pressed pause on painting for little while. It is an examination of a painting practice less concerned with production than with personal fulfillment. Among the strongest influences in Stockholm-based Moley Talhaoui’s paintings, his upbringing in Sweden, Moroccan heritage, relationships, and becoming a father, lend an intrinsically autobiographical sensibility to his paintings, which brim with personal and cultural symbolism. His paintings are layered explorations of personal and spiritual existence, from the esoteric to the everyday. They are a way to try to comprehend a sense of being in the world, the eternal dialectic of happiness and suffering, the nature of love, the definition of wealth, and how personal history or memory informs the present and future.

For me, creating was fundamentally about escapism and comfort. As a child, in order to cope with my environment, I drew. It made me shut out my surroundings, and I managed to reach a space of safety within. In order to manage chaos, I paint.

― Moley Talhaoui