Mark Joshua Epstein

Inquire ︎

"Recently, I've been able to work more intricately. My shaped paintings have gotten larger while my marks have stayed the same scale - allowing for larger swaths of pattern and marks for viewers to experience. I've also stopped using tape to create hard edges, preferring instead to draw things out and allow for the slight wobble that the hand brings to the work."

Mark Joshua Epstein

"This last winter was long, and snowy, and so springtime, for me, feels like a relief. It feels like the reward for enduring the cold for so many months. I think as the energy in the landscape changes - it loosens, it unfurls - the energy inside my studio does the same."

Mark Joshua Epstein

"Working with rules, or pretending to be working within rules, can be so liberating. Having a plan for a certain passage of pattern also allows my mind to wander and my hand to make unexpected alterations (sometimes born from error) as I go. I am also drawn to the associations we have with patterns - textiles, surface design, floor tiles - it's all in there.

Mark Joshua Epstein

Inquire ︎

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